My Common Cold Won’t Go Away!

14 Nov 2011

To review the symptoms of the common cold they are a runny nose, scratchy/sore throat, cough, watery eyes, sneezing, congestion, low grade fever, body aches and mild fatigue. Last week we listed the things you can do to help you get through the 7-10 days a typical viral cold will last for. When do you need to seek help from your Doctor? In general adults should see your Doctor if: Your fever is greater than or equal to 103 degrees F. Your fever is accompanied by sweating, chills and colored secretions lasting more than 3-4 days. You have significantly swollen glands in the neck. You have severe face or sinus… Continue Reading My Common Cold Won’t Go Away!

It’s Common Cold Season! (Part One)

07 Nov 2011

The common cold is an upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) infection caused by a virus. The symptoms can be a runny nose, scratchy/sore throat, cough, watery eyes, sneezing, congestion, low grade fever, body aches and mild fatigue. There are over 100 viruses that can cause a cold and preschoolers are at greatest risk to get frequent colds but anyone can be at risk during the most common seasons, fall and winter. Colds can last seven to ten days and your secretions can thicken and turn yellow or green as it runs its course. Treatment: There is no cure for the common cold. Antibiotics are of no use and do… Continue Reading It’s Common Cold Season! (Part One)