My Sinus Infection Does Not Need An Antibiotic?

02 Apr 2012

We’ve all suffered at one time or another from what is called a sinus infection. Our first reaction is usually to call our Doctor’s office to request an antibiotic to get rid of it. New guidelines from our infectious disease experts now state that most people who have a sinus infection should NOT be treated with antibiotics because the drugs are unlikely to help. Although sinus infections are the fifth-leading reason for antibiotic prescriptions, 90-98 percent of cases are caused by viruses, which are not affected by antibiotics. Prescribing antibiotics for a viral sinus infection does not change the course of the infection and instead can spur the development of… Continue Reading My Sinus Infection Does Not Need An Antibiotic?

What you put in your mouth may affect your prescription medications. Avoiding drug interactions

26 Mar 2012

Two out every three patients who visit a Doctor leave with at least one prescription medication. Almost 40% of the US population receive prescriptions for four or more medications. Consequences of drug interactions with food and beverages are more common the more prescription medications a person takes. Examples of drug interactions with food and beverages: Grapefruit juice can cause an increased level of certain blood pressure medications, anti-anxiety medication Buspar and the insomnia medication Halcion. Licorice can increase the level of the heart medication digoxin and reduce the effects of the blood pressure medications hydrochlorothiazide and spironolactone. Chocolate can potentiate the class of antidepressants called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) and… Continue Reading What you put in your mouth may affect your prescription medications. Avoiding drug interactions

Estrogen Can Lower The Risk Of Breast Cancer And Heart Attack In Some Women!

19 Mar 2012

A woman’s menstrual cycle is controlled by the hormones estrogen and progesterone circulating in their bloodstream. As women enter into their 40s and 50s these levels start to decline and she begins to develop the symptoms of peri-menopause or menopause. These symptoms include hot flashes (flushing), insomnia, bone changes, a lack of a menstrual period and unwanted aging. Hormone replacement therapy, most commonly done with synthetic estrogen and progesterone, is the most effective treatment for vasomotor symptoms (flushing) and other symptoms of menopause. However, there are important distinctions that must be made between taking estrogen plus progestin and estrogen alone in terms of benefits and risks. Conventional wisdom prior to… Continue Reading Estrogen Can Lower The Risk Of Breast Cancer And Heart Attack In Some Women!

Should I Still Be Taking My Cholesterol Lowering “Statin” Prescription Drug My Doctor Prescribed?

12 Mar 2012

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recently issued a new safety alert for ‘high dose statin’ drugs prescribed by Doctors to lower cholesterol in patients at risk for heart disease. The FDA named the prescription drugs Crestor (rosuvastatin), Lipitor (atorvastatin), Zocor (simvastatin), and Pravachol (pravastatin), as well as the combination drug Vytorin (zetia/simvastatin) in the safety alert. The warning stated that the use of these drugs in high doses may be linked to memory loss, diabetes, and muscle pain. This was a general statement derived from a recent review of many different studies that were all part of the Women’s Health Initiative. The conclusions made from the analysis of these… Continue Reading Should I Still Be Taking My Cholesterol Lowering “Statin” Prescription Drug My Doctor Prescribed?

Teen Depression: How Parents Can Help Prevent This By Promoting Physical And Mental Health

05 Mar 2012

Teen depression is a serious problem that can cause long-lasting physical and emotional problems. By promoting your child’s physical and mental health, you can help him or her handle stressful situations that might trigger teen depression. There is no single cause of teen depression. Genetics and environment may play a role. Some teens are more prone to depression than others: Children of depressed parents. Children who have anxiety or behavior problems. Teen girls may be more vulnerable than teen boys. Children with health problems, stress or the loss of an important person in their life. Teens dealing with depression are more likely to experience teen pregnancy, abuse drugs and alcohol,… Continue Reading Teen Depression: How Parents Can Help Prevent This By Promoting Physical And Mental Health