Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight And Lower Your Blood Sugar Too?

27 Feb 2012

Apple cider vinegar as been marketed in the United States in a variety of forms: Acetic acid Apple cider vinegar plus honey cocktail Tablets Cider vinegar In combination with supplements, botanicals, and food products Apple cider vinegar is made by pulverizing apples into a slurry and juice pulp, adding yeast and sugar to produce acetic acid. Purported uses: Weight loss Lower glucose levels in diabetics Arthritis Asthma Colitis Food poisoning Gastrointestinal and skin problems Lower cholesterol Dosage: 2 tablespoons in a cup of water 3 times a day (total dose 2800mg daily) Recent preliminary studies have shown apple cider vinegar to lower postprandial and fasting glucose levels in type 2… Continue Reading Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight And Lower Your Blood Sugar Too?

How Does Your Doctor Keep Track Of Prescriptions Written For Drugs That Are Controlled By The DEA?

13 Feb 2012

You may have been prescribed a pain, anxiety, insomnia or stimulant medication that is monitored by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). These medications are called ‘controlled substances’ as they require your Doctor to have a specific prescription license to write for these. The reason why the have to have this special certificate is these medications have potential for causing problems with abuse, dependence and addiction. Definitions: Drug abuse is the deliberate use of a medication beyond a Doctor’s prescription. Drug dependence occurs when the body develops tolerance to the drug meaning higher doses are needed for the same effect. Drug addiction occurs when a person has drug dependence but also… Continue Reading How Does Your Doctor Keep Track Of Prescriptions Written For Drugs That Are Controlled By The DEA?

Recreational Noise: Are You Using Your iPod/Ear Buds At Too High A Volume?

13 Feb 2012

There are over 175 million iPod users in the world today. Blasting your iPod or another portable music player has now been shown to cause temporary and possibly permanent hearing loss. Occupational noise exposure can lead to noise-induced hearing loss but less is known about the long term and short term effects of recreational noise. Here are some of the facts we’ve learned from the University of Colorado and the Children’s Hospital of Boston research: Many people assume there device has a maximum volume default setting that is safe. Current devices will produce noise up to 115 dB at maximum volume, the level of noise from a chainsaw or rock… Continue Reading Recreational Noise: Are You Using Your iPod/Ear Buds At Too High A Volume?

Vaccinate Against The Flu: It’s Not Too Late!

06 Feb 2012

The peak time for people getting Influenza, the “flu”, is just getting started in the United States. Typically, the months of February and March are when the highest number of Americans suffer from the “flu” and the complications of this viral disease. If you did not receive a flu shot back in the fall of 2011 it’s not too late! Getting your shot now will protect you within the next two weeks as the incidence of flu revs up. Who should get it: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone 6 months of age or older. Vaccination of high risk persons is especially important to decrease the… Continue Reading Vaccinate Against The Flu: It’s Not Too Late!

Should We Be Lowering The Amount Of Salt In Our Diets?

30 Jan 2012

Salt has always been suspected of causing health problems if too much is consumed. Recent studies have shed new light on how reducing salt intake can reduce blood pressure and ultimately the incidence of strokes and heart attacks. Salt was originally discovered by the Chinese as a way to preserve food over 5000 years ago. With the advent of refrigeration, salt consumption declined. With the rise of consumption of processed foods in Western society, salt consumption has again risen to dangerously high levels. The current average intake of sodium in the US is greater than 3400mg per day. Current recommendations are to limit total sodium to 1500mg to 2300mg per… Continue Reading Should We Be Lowering The Amount Of Salt In Our Diets?