So You Think You Want Your PSA Tested?

24 Oct 2011

Recently the US Preventative Task Force issued new guidelines for Doctors to follow regarding the use of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) for screening men for prostate cancer. Their recommendation came from a communication actually dated November 2009, and now recommends against routine screening by the use of the PSA blood test in all men, not just those greater than 75 years old, as the old guideline stated. This new recommendation is not supported by many in the medical community that deal with mens’ health and prostate cancer on a daily basis. Here are some of the facts surrounding this controversy. What is the prostate-specific antigen (PSA)? This a protein produced by… Continue Reading So You Think You Want Your PSA Tested?

The Spice of Life… and Health?

17 Oct 2011

Certain spices and herbs not only can make your food have zing to it but can also contribute to better health. Using spices and herbs can help you cut back your use of fat, sugar, and salt in your cooking, helping your waistline, blood pressure and overall health. Here are some examples of spices and herbs found in most kitchens that can have health benefits: Basil used in pizza and pesto has anti-inflammatory properties, contains flavonoids which can shield a persons cells from radiation, antibacterial capabilities. Cinnamon for baked treats and warm beverages, has implications it can help lower blood glucose levels, increase insulin sensitivity and improve lipid profiles. Cilantro… Continue Reading The Spice of Life… and Health?

RELAX! It Could Improve Your Health!

10 Oct 2011

There are tremendous health benefits to be had when relaxation techniques are used to reduce the stress of responsibilities and tasks or the demands an illness can have on the body and mind. Relaxation reduces stress by: the heart rate. Lowering blood pressure. Slowing your breathing rate. Increasing blood flow to major muscles. Reducing muscle tension and chronic pain. Improving concentration. Reducing anger and frustration. Boosting confidence to handle problems. Relaxation techniques involve refocusing your attention on something calming and increasing awareness of your body. Types of relaxation techniques: Autogenic relaxation comes from within you and uses both visual imagery and body awareness. You repeat words or suggestions in your… Continue Reading RELAX! It Could Improve Your Health!

STRESS: Constant stress can put your health at serious risk

03 Oct 2011

Our bodies stress reaction was meant to protect us. When this system is constantly on alert, our health can pay the price. Our stress response system produces chemicals in our bodies that have effects to help us deal with the stress. The long-term activation of this system (caused by chronic stressors) can disrupt almost all of our bodies normal functions leading to health problems. Common effects of stress: On our bodies: Heart disease: chest pain. Sleep problems: insomnia. Digestive problems: stomach upset, ulcers. Obesity. Headache. Fatigue. Muscle tension or pain. Change in sex drive. Worsening of skin conditions, eczema. On our mood: Depression or sadness. Anxiety and restlessness. Memory impairment… Continue Reading STRESS: Constant stress can put your health at serious risk

Teens and Alcohol

26 Sep 2011

Binge drinking with teens: Teens drink alcohol less often than adults. But, they drink greater quantities when they do. Teens are more likely to mix different types alcohol. Binge drinking is defined as 5 or more drinks in one session. 24% of teens admitted to binge drinking in the last 30 days. All social and health problems related to drinking alcohol occur more frequently with binge drinking. Teen stats: Alcohol is the number 1 abused substance among US teenagers, above smoking and drugs. Teens account for 11.4% of all alcohol consumed in the US. 8th graders: 51.7% have tried alcohol and 15.2% have had one or more binges. 10th graders:… Continue Reading Teens and Alcohol